
Interview with the devil

Interview with a Al Queda in the sand.."So what do you know?" reply "There are no jobs or future due to where I live, so my job is to fire ak47 rounds at anyone that is in the line of fire..my own breathren even.. I have a 3rd grade education and the generations in the sand will follow me..I'll give my son this AK and a backpack...Alllah Allah Allah!!!! We have so much to gain by living by the sword and our generations dying by that doctrine..Continue the hate !!" The ebb and flow of life dictates that we seek out an easy path instead of understanding..And living and let live shall... that commence forward...Some choose as their insane fanatical doctrine to try to reinforce their beliefs via bullit or bombpack..The brain is much more powerful than any arsenal..Yet terrorists fail to see even beyond the truth..To a doctrine of violence that once again begats exactly that...Lead poisoning instead of a world renowned in peace..Because they lack something..A soul and heart to just do it properly...and without..Those things which make us all shudder...Its not the cause but the effect that generates from your actions that matters most and how we as the human race percieve it...inhumane and insane...Your way.. copyright><">2012

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