
I've fallin and I can get up

Summer is about to give us the long kiss goodbye...it's hot embrace letting go
Watching squirrels scurry about...lodging their meal for days covered in white powder
soon the geese will fly south...escaping ol man winter's embrace
trees show their final glory before they strip down
not yet time to dig my sweaters out
but i'm thinking about it
fall into fall....a close reality
in all it's majestic beauty

copyright ><"> 2010


Just another day ~ in paradise

Whew...it was so hot today and the AC in my car is out so I drove home, dreaming of a cold shower. It's time to throw some ribs on the Barbeque and dance around the sprinkler. Smell the mesquite slowly cooking my ribs and corn on the cob sounds delish!

Perhaps I'll hope for fall..but once the chill hits..I'll be longing for these hot temps.

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