
The angel on your left shoulder and the demon on your right are duking it out. What are they fighting over?

demons vs angels

The Angel would say ~ "It's far more important to define your character by refining your conscience"

And the Demon would reply ~ "But it's far more fun to give in to temptation..since impurity has it's rewards"

Who wins? Neither...it's a stale mate most of the time



Fall Muse

Well...here it is

Fall in the Pacific Northwest..the temps are dropping at night but staying up in the 80s and 90sF during the day. My flowers will soon be gone and the garden will sit dormant. The beauty of the forest becomes captivating...sending me out on long weekend drives to breathe it all in.

Time to get my warmer clothes out. I've been in shorts n shirt mode for several months. My pants just don't seem comfortable after that. It will take me a few days to get used to it. I need to go out and buy a new winter jacket and perhaps some more winter shirts and sweaters. It get's pretty damn cold up here.

hot soup-hot chocolate-hot apple cider-hot tea ect...will sound pretty good in a few weeks. I'll be cooking much more in my kitchen vs. out on the barbeque. In the summer...getting my kitchen hot sounds much worse than grilling something. I barbeque at least 3 or 4 times a week in the summer...eating cooler meals for the most part when I do cook in the kitchen.

It was a pretty good summer...I hope it's a mild winter..last year was a nightmare

I think I'm going to enjoy this nice evening and barbeque yet again...nice to sit out in the backyard..smelling mesquite smoke and playing with my dogs

So...enjoy your fall...breathe in it's color & beauty

I know I will

copyright ><"> 2009


What's your favorite view?

The view is beautiful from West Glacier

The scenery will take your breath away...the wilderness in it's finest form..One must search for all things beautiful..damn good way to spend a lifetime


Will we find life out there in the vast cosmos?

What's wrong with assuming a living Universe?
Where other life forms inhabit their planet?..Extremophiles have been found in the hottest..darkest and deepest parts of this big blue marble..and intraterrestrials have been found deep in the crust of our planet, wasn't too long ago we assumed life didn't exist in the extreme places here on Earth, but it does. Microorganisms are indeed a hearty bunch.

We are merely very young students to the truths that lie out in the cosmos..I honestly cannot convince myself that we are the only ONES in the cosmos..I believe that in the next 20 years...We will find many Earth like planets orbiting in the safe zone from stars and maybe even a spectral imprint of life...and the realm of possibility will expand. Also they have found Carbon Dioxide elsewhere a main selling point to the possibilty of life on other planets.
Perhaps life is floating around on asteroids to be deposited on some distant planet and that could be how it all started here...we just don't know.

I think we will find water and in that water we will find life..entirely possible in my lifetime. And if/when we do find life out there..how can we assume that there isn't even far more intelligent life than just microorganisms etc.?
I'll cross my fingers and hope we do indeed find proof of life elsewhere..It seems naive to assume that we are the only ones in this vast cosmos.

May we search for it...out amongst the stars

in saecula saeculorum
copyright ><"> 2009
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