
saunter into Sunday

A brief respite of a hard work earned..I saunter into Sunday's eve as if it's a whirlpool to next week...And I can easily handle it's wrath...Thank god I have a life preserver! My sense of self preservation and hope.





what's that got?

A lil crazy

Been thinkin about life..such strife..but i'll do my best...forget all the rest...I saw your smile back at me! It's what I see..yep..life is crazy but at least we can all fall into eachother's arms...our respise



pictures and memories...any more ..I'm so sore..I'm all alone..cast in stone...need you now....so how? Feel that heartbeat when I lie on you..I wonder if I've ever had that...that soul that touched you. I can do without that answer...I'll stare at that door where you stood before.


Never run

Never run from pain...just run from negativety but run to your life...it's so true....that's where I run to you...we all run from life in a sort of state of mind...run from pain in our souls...my life is like a knife...it's too fast...but at last...this world is closed to my runnin...we all fight through this...like the moon and it's passing...the only truth..is we must look to love and psitivety...that love that holds us!


Come on home

*smile* I just have to find the beautiful tonight...blue eyes and love ruby red...I'll never stop searching for the beautiful...never.....I'll shine in positivety...I'll stare into the full moon and smile..my soul is shinin bright..amen...live every day like it's my last night...wake up saying..I'm never gonna grow up! I'll sit down on the riverside...not regretting anything...never gonna grow up! Amen

God gave us all the sight
What person are you? When the storm blows through?
you ready for the dark and light? what will you you seek?



Full moon of youth

Full moon is shinin bright...into the night we ran...like 12 year olds....kick the can...don't slow down...up came the summer sun and we had so much fun...you and I were the only ones...we shined like a light...youth so bright...We're never going to grow up...we're still doin it right...remembering that moonlit night

Grabs 12 string

Never grow up folks! Make snow angels and roll down precarious hills til the day you die! After all...smilin increases yer face value! amen
4 minutes ago · LikeUnlike.Stephen Carpenter Take my advice...pull down your pants and slide on the ice!
neverrrrrr...grow upppp
It's the shooting star of who we are!
about a minute ago



Who the hell are you?

I asked about you one time

like everyone here on Blogger!

And abroad


Baby you're so hot

Are you a crazy girl? We hope......

I'd lose my mind if you were not!
wait isn't that an oxymoron?
Doesn't matter...come here let me hold you
Just stand there bare foot in your birthday suit
I think it's a full moon.....owooooooooo


Rolling in time

I have a story to be told...because I'm getiing old...about the heart and the way..What can I say? That i've rolled through sorrows door..and reaped everything from it. What is it all? I think i've been there...a fleeting fire...although violently at times..also the wind put it out...Reminds me that I've almost had it all



Entertwined Amore

If entertwined in love's embrace..hearts so deep..do we count the sighs or the all we need to be? Reaching eachother out in the dark, where our fires carry us through our own personal darkness to the devine heartfelt love and sighs which leave us there...under the moon and counting the stars, counting our blessings...where we both stepped from the precipise.



Never Forget!

When the solemn darkness fell upon us on 9/11.. reminds me of how America precariously walks on thin ice from the murderous intentions of the fanatical fringe hell bent on hating and destroying us..Bigotry at the heart of most bloodshed throughout history. We shall recover from anything...We are America!

God bless us all... Amen




Follow the heart

Always look for everything beautiful..Those things that make you *sigh* with endless and memorable satisfaction..Life is so negative and we MUST go to war with negativety by seeking out positivety and everything beautiful

I think that men find it harder to seek out such things and follow their hearts. Many miss out on the wonderful which surrounds us



Destruction of the beautiful

I used to hunt animals...probably because it was a macho family tradition..Deer hunters..bear hunters etc....Couldn't stomach it anymore...so now I hunt animals with a camera..I'm still shooting..but not a soul get's hurt! amen


3 days off

Inevitable solice in a Sunday long deserved..where tonight I don't have to go to bed early..I can pospone the dreary Monday blues at work and unwind even further. Labor Day is tomorrow and I'm left with a sense that ..soon...snow will fall! Oh damn...need to get studs for my ride!



The respite of calm

Looking for respite in the wind between the trees and solice in the divine passing of yet another day of the daily grind...where a new mountain presents itself yet tomorrow in which i'll scale with acertainty that I''ll get through it...unscathed for the most part!



Indelible quotes perhaps

Just wanted to share some of my recent quotes with everyone..

Swimming out of monday's rip~tide I'll make it to shore but it was one hell of a current!
I had to stop at the coffee buoy to gather my strength

Winds blowing hard~mid 80s..Mother nature is a bit cranky..But I can wait for yer winter wrath

We cash our last check in the bank of eternal..I just hope I nothing bounced

listen to love and get your ears nibbled!

The Flowers of tomorrow I will smell with anticipation...fruitful as they are

Here comes hump day...Once I ride that wave..I'm ready for the weekend

Drifting into the thoughts of yesterday..Dreaming in what I believe and fear..no repsite in wicked sleep...drifting into the oblivious dreams
..live my life half there..leave me alone to my dreams..money can't buy that..

I can't buy my way into your heart..No relief for the chosen..taking our time..looking for an unwanted whos to blame..I dunno why..I just believe in the truth

Is beer really cheaper than gas? Well hell give me tequila and i'll fly to work!

lying under a tree and analyzing everything. I'd listen to all the leaves and the background vocals on the wind and I patiently try to pick out the different instruments..Birds in the back ground..what a symphany

I was told that women would can put a bra on far easier if they bend over while doing so...whaaa? you bend over infront of moi! The bra is coming off pronto! hahaha pfffffffffffffft...friggen scientists never get laid

If love potions really existed..I'd have ten cases!

Another Blue and arduous Monday is history..Hoping this week fly's by at light speed..Welcoming the sweetness of a slow weekend

Life is constant trip down uncertainty lane..Roller coasters and tsunami's ..then a sudden silence which enables you to listen to the wind between the trees...gather your thoughts and find respite in awakening dreams

If I say something indelible..capture that within your heart..I'm still trying to grasp my identity as a writer..eclectic and soul searching



Eloquent Pardadigm

So I work my *** off..pay a ton of of bills..train some students..and play faceville steadily..all alittle too much...what am I a junkie of?..Life? Funny thing...I want even more

So eloquent.. this life's passage..The riddles..Let me pay that forward?..let us be eclectic paradigms enough to remain a mystery to all..as did our grandfathers by campfire light

I see so many folks just watchin the tube and becoming complacent to living their lives outside the rabid media lifestyle

Do you try to escpape it like I do?

Listen to the wind between the trees?



The fourth of July..American style

4th of July
The importance of this day is that we told England to go to hell and we earned the right to be free of such monarchys. Our freedom and rights have been hard fought..let us never forget that

Lasting lessons of our independence come back to remind us today of the importance of our freedom and rights and we shall all walk hand in hand into the future of this great nation knowing that each and everyone of us broadcasts a shining light to others on this big blue marble. To be free

The method of success in our liberty as of late is a grey line at best..National security and debate over our constitution makes us stand on the precipice of democracy and our destiny



drift the rift

we just drift and die like the driftwood that washes ashore?
So lonely and perhaps forgotten
we see the past
and I don't believe in yesterday
go away and leave me alone
unwanted and who's to blame
I don't know
but I believe
there's no rest in loneliness
just drift upon the surf
it's just a trip
are we are forgotten thru our yesterdays?
I don't know why
leave me to this sand
how much will life buy?
who's to blame?
just belive in your own truth
and leave me alone

*stokes the fire*



perhaps I'm just a dreamer
it's just billions of us
gazing out my window
mother earth and cultures
will we all survive?
...fighting for our lives
stop repeating this sick history
better days in our sun downs
the dawn will bring us a sign
this time

pray for something

indelible relapse into reality
The first time
another point upon the horizon
we're all searchin for something
nothing to be scared about
it's called feelin alive
be an enigma and people think that much more about you
my world as I see
hold your breathe
and let me inside

prey to jesus or act upon us all

pay it forward

oh wait...I'm just a dreamer

if only

serenity embraces us all

just my own dreamer



blind the daily grind

Blinded by the daily grind
It's in this place is where i'll find you
wake me up
feeling every footprint in the sand
walking hand in hand
lives collide
feeling our lives
are you sure right now?
lately i've been missing this place
like a light to the heavens
I am seeing all of you
within this circle
The sun fom above
And this place I give my love
I'll dream of being here
look into the sky
just ask why
why do we all collide?
I see it so much clearer now
and how do you see me now?
Turn the light on
let's see this place much clearer
when you're tired and feeling small
get a hug from us all
run to the firepit
it can be found here
troubled or seeking sand
We'll walk hand and hand


Walk me in the moonlight

I cannot break this vow
I'll close my eyes
Amd stay forever here
right here right now
But If I were close my eyes forever
these memories will keep in my soul
And my time here which will end
is never
you wake me so I can finally see
by the moonlight I truly can believe
I'll never leave
I hope you'll all see
Never slipping
dancnig in the sands
those past and present
we shall dance
in the stone
in this name
where the setting sun is on horizon
We will dance here
and we will shine
in our souls


I will return

I will return to dry your eyes
singing you the grand lullabye
When you're down and troubles have come
I'm still here at your side
Use this place to raise you up
to ride the surf
to make you strong
raise you up
to stand above the flooded tide
I'm at your side
To make you strong
and walk along
Stand on my shoulders to avoid it all
I'm here
your beckoned call



Endless pontification

Pontification Ad Nauseam

Dogmatic supercilious dribble

But still...

many enjoy these excesses!

No matter how tiresome

In the end

Being better only matters

In the concerns of your heart and word

Even then....

A relative reality?


Insistant darkness

Eloquente sun, under the loving light..I miss you with all my might. Rainy days and windy sorrow..These days of summer I wish to borrow



The end of the world on 5/21/11 propecy

So I was thinking of Camping

With an H that is

Surname and your to blame

May 21, 2011

He said we'll all mostly go to heaven

Bodies will awaken

our nerves all shaken

Yet this isn't the event

Another useless ten minutes on you tube spent

I'm still here!

And all you doomsayers seem very queer

A coward dies a thousand deaths

with armeggedon not near

I guess it proves something

Believe half of what you see..

and None of what you hear.

I'll live yet another year! ><">



~life is abound in Speechless Expression~

Love to all

Requiem of my friends And Family

A record in time of those I know now

and Testimony of those I've lost

Dancing in the limelight of experience

All around me I see forward and behind

To the record that is my essence

To road of assumed beauty that I search

Something that makes my heart see the light

It keeps me from falling apart

I'm dancing in all of your love

Like a child at Christmas

It's the divine and the great thing that makes me whole

You fall and I'll catch you

Remember that

You're never alone as long as I still breathe a breath

And think of you

I'm the light to all your darkness



Cold Life

We search for lift from those whom we need.

Whether it be the thousand mile connection

Or the soft hug from a friend

We just look for that heart

That soft spoken sentence that calms us

Lifting me to a good day and a feeling of relief

They can be the one

That brings out the sun

we are not alone..we have champions close to us

to fight those monsters

And mend our fallin life

Breathe again my loving friend

I have a message to send

I'm here by your side

And it's one hell of a ride

Let me warm your cold life

Give you the heat

that you need

Into the night and beyond

Like a personal shadow

You're not alone

Let's fly away

I am at your side



My Spring Thaw

Evermore so entangled and bound to the daily grind

Finding respit in a friday evening

Been a week that seems like eons

to a weekend that flashes by with lightspeed

Yet monday morning I smile

knowing that this may suck

But I'm here to carry it out

Waiting for the warm days and mesquite barbeques

I find myself in the sun, almost chasing it and it's fleeting moments

"hey come back here!"

"Geth the flock outta here Ol man winter!'

Time to absorb spring and it's profound





Pharoahs and the New Pyramids

Egypt has spoken..The people have done the right thing. People must evolve as a whole..The human race and fight to be free..We did it in America and are the torch bearers of Freedom..Now our brethren in Egypt have set forth..hopefully..freedom. The people of all nations must see the value in doing so and follow Egypt's cue..Which I'm guessing is in their minds.

Even what we percieve as freedom, It still has it's issues. Freedom is not exact or perfect in this day and age..I'd rather sacrifice something in the state of freedom then live in a world of dictatorship and repression etc...Human rights should be at the forefront of our direction in tomorrow.

I assume the violent fringe in such Countries as Iraq etc.. Plan on trying to teach the people of Egypt the error of ther ways through loade backpacks in the town square to who knows. They know that in their own countries they might be swinging from a tree in the local courtyard if this catches on..First DARK step is Military take over..Now the people have went the first round and must set forth real change..They have another twelve rounds to survive!

Set forth the motion of freedom and let it circle the globe..Taking down nations for the sake of the children and grandchildren of tomorrow. A slow step at a time with the voice of millions waiting and yearning for their god given rights.

Gruesome is the regimes of repression..That bound those to chains of control. Slowly bleeding them from their own identity. We are not the human race that wishes to be whipped about in cleric frenzy'z or..? We are the people trying to learn from our past mistakes and move on..to the things that enrich us..not destroy us.

I think many of us speculate that Egypt is indeed headed down a rough road..But if the people truly finish what they started in just the right way..It will mean everything to them and the entire world. Slowly but surely this sick doctrine enforced by unruly rulers might possibly become ancient history..It must.

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