
What gadget is at the top of your wish list?

Don't have an iPhone yet? Or maybe you're ready for that flat-panel TV? What piece of circuitry and plastic will make your life better and why?

Webcam by MShades

A webcam...I still haven't picked one up for my new PC.

1 comment:

  1. I want to turn my house into a smart house... I want touch screens everywhere.. I want a touch screen built into my easy chair where I can scroll through my DVDs and select which movie I want to watch... and it'll play. I want my mirror in the bathroom part computer screen so I can get the weather report and radar maps while I brush my teeth. I want everything automated if I choose. I want to paint my walls with liquid crystal paint so I can change my wallpaper in my house just as easily as changing my computer desktop wallpaper. Or even turn my walls into on big screen to watch movies.

    I've got the know how... but not the green :(


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