~Men can scream like women~
I convinced my room mate that there were ghosts in the house with well thought out strings-hooks-wires. He never caught on to it...for several days he was spooked. Stuff moving without any logical explanation. I'd laugh at him and he probably thought I was laughing at him because I thought he was crazy and being rediculous...then the grand finally. One day after the net on the ceiling (hey..it was a bachelor pad) had moved one too many times. He kind of lost it...So it was time. I told him to show me exactly where this phenomenon was occurring the most. As soon as he got close to the spot...the cable box exploded into the air right infront of him...he screamed like a totally horrified woman in one of those scare movies and ran across the room...smacking head long into the door jam..knocked him right on his rear end...Ouch!
"hey man, you didn't have an accident in yer pants didya?"
I think he's still mad at me over that
go figure
I'm a prankster and have a lot of stories like that if you are interested
here comes April fools...wooohoooo...watch out world
copyright ><"> 2009
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