
A day to forget...reboot

It's funny how many days I actually forget. Where the day is fairly routine, nothing out of the ordinary. So it is shoved back into the recesses of my brain...lost forever. Too bad I can't just reboot it like my PC. And then some days are forever remembered...like when the Challenger Shuttle blew up or the Twin Towers nightmare. I can think back to exactly what I was doing and how I was feeling at that moment. So one can come to a ephiphany that most of the time in our lives, a majority of our existance is... in a way....meaningless.

Not in a pessimistic way...All the things that I have done up to this point is who I am as a person, the little things and the big things that shaped me. But so many times I often get caught up in a situation/moment and it could be almost unbearable...I can realize at that moment...that in a short while..this situation will be over and most likely forgotten...so don't take it so hard. It's all good!

count to ten

~Take the bad with the good and keep rollin~

copyright ><"> 2009

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