
Anew U

As slumber falls on my percieved awesome life...I sit in wonder of what may come tomorrow...This eloquent sunrise and the welcome to a new and glorious day..positively I might add....Above ground..Good night my fellow Bloggers...tomorrow holds anew....See ya tmrrw!!!!~~copyright><">2012



Entertwined in the familything...I tried to go back home but it wasn't there..just faded memories of a basement bedroom..I tried to touch it in my memory but I couldn't just find myself or my sisters..I was playin the cards of life...And I pulled the joker..my favorite memorys were grey...by tragedy..What can I say..I'll try to remember this house that built us..love my siblings 4 ever...such a tragedy..a drunk driver seperated us..Took our mom away...we left her that night...who we are...I see you again mom..I'm someone else but I promise I'll find my way home to that house that made my memories==copyright><">2012
So indelible is my memories which I cannot erase...This profound life which I saunder through with a positive soul and the will to create yet another positive day...at war with the negative...I must ride this roller coaster of life..intent on winning someting profound==copyright><">2012

Bigotry suck green donky doooo

Follow your heart and seek what's right..It doesn't matter who's black or white..It's called civil rights and we are all of one race..the human race!== copyright><">2012

Summer days abound

A cool summer day..With green abound...the scents of summer flower weigh heavily on me..The Chorus of birds serenades me to my last hours of work and a monumental sigh afterward when I saunter into my abode and just friggen chill..Oblivious to ANY problem for at least 20 minutes...tis a great time to exist on this big blue marble racing about the cosmos and even poetic in my heart felt sighs and slumber copyright><">2012


slumber escape

The night hands us a relaxing escape from everything that makes us dread the next work week..copyright><">2012

Take my romantic heart

Come take my hand oh lovely soul..Such beauty in my life's ugly matters...The female that reminds me of my romantic heart and keeps all men from just going crazy..Your tender heart embraces my soul..ty baby... copyright><">2012
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