

~life is abound in Speechless Expression~

Love to all

Requiem of my friends And Family

A record in time of those I know now

and Testimony of those I've lost

Dancing in the limelight of experience

All around me I see forward and behind

To the record that is my essence

To road of assumed beauty that I search

Something that makes my heart see the light

It keeps me from falling apart

I'm dancing in all of your love

Like a child at Christmas

It's the divine and the great thing that makes me whole

You fall and I'll catch you

Remember that

You're never alone as long as I still breathe a breath

And think of you

I'm the light to all your darkness



Cold Life

We search for lift from those whom we need.

Whether it be the thousand mile connection

Or the soft hug from a friend

We just look for that heart

That soft spoken sentence that calms us

Lifting me to a good day and a feeling of relief

They can be the one

That brings out the sun

we are not alone..we have champions close to us

to fight those monsters

And mend our fallin life

Breathe again my loving friend

I have a message to send

I'm here by your side

And it's one hell of a ride

Let me warm your cold life

Give you the heat

that you need

Into the night and beyond

Like a personal shadow

You're not alone

Let's fly away

I am at your side

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