Life is a daily journey which we try to do with the least bit of resistance..From 5th grade homework to the paying of a bill...we learn to cope and move on to the next right of passage...Mine is my 50th birthday...part of my elongated book of personal life...The one that I hope someone remembers..Did I make it worth the strain and triumph? I like to think so...But in the end...there's only one thing that matters...whom I loved and who loved me ;)
Cold nights when I wasn't so strong
Young and pointless
My future therefore I long
Wind blows within my memory
It Takes me back to early life
From the long lost memory of a first teen kiss
To the warmth of a family as of late
And present strife
I heard your voice
Let it out
never say goodbye
I dreamt of my past
I don't think it was bad or good
It only weakens me or the opposite I assume
Hear the voice from my past
It makes me weak and strong
It Seems harder to breathe
But that's only an old state of mind ;)
copyright 2010 ><">
Thanksgiving and ol man winter
Happy Bird day to all those whom celebrate this holiday. I hope all of those less fortunate have a good and plenty Holiday.
I'll stuff myself on turkey-stuffing-mashed potatoes-sweet potatoes-pumpkin pie. Then I'll long for a short nap.
The weather here is unbelievable. Last few days it's been below zero at night and barely above it in the day...We've had 2 snow storms and two more are on the way...possibly dumping as much as 16 more inches of snow by Monday. Ol man winter got here early and I would love to kick his ass...outta here...But just like any other year..I'll grin and bare it and look down the road to spring.
Enough thoughts about this nasty weather...My thoughts will focus on the task at hand...Stuffing myself on Thanksgiving bounty
I'll stuff myself on turkey-stuffing-mashed potatoes-sweet potatoes-pumpkin pie. Then I'll long for a short nap.
The weather here is unbelievable. Last few days it's been below zero at night and barely above it in the day...We've had 2 snow storms and two more are on the way...possibly dumping as much as 16 more inches of snow by Monday. Ol man winter got here early and I would love to kick his ass...outta here...But just like any other year..I'll grin and bare it and look down the road to spring.
Enough thoughts about this nasty weather...My thoughts will focus on the task at hand...Stuffing myself on Thanksgiving bounty
Muse of Memes
Made me think about a few things..Especially how a few memes might have changed my life..Perhaps not quite the Culture..But possibly in the world around me.
IF I convey and it changes your life
Does it change the culture
Or better your life
Empirical formulas
So entertwined
The evidence is grey
And not defined
The gifted few whom speak the reason
Come and go
As does the seasons
IF I convey and it changes your life
Does it change the culture
Or better your life
Empirical formulas
So entertwined
The evidence is grey
And not defined
The gifted few whom speak the reason
Come and go
As does the seasons
Grey Rain
Grey rain is falling
Pouring down upon my shoulders
Not a single sound
Just a sense of a storm to come
Flickers of distant bolts and the clap of it's voice
Caution me to what's to become
Steam rises at my feet
And the temps fall
I call to you ol man winter
Be soft as you pass this way
This body can feel your prescence
Grey rain pouring down
My shoulders wet
I get so lost
My mind sleepy
I'm begging you
leave this place
There's the doorway
Call in spring to follow you
I am complete
copyright ><"> 2010
Pouring down upon my shoulders
Not a single sound
Just a sense of a storm to come
Flickers of distant bolts and the clap of it's voice
Caution me to what's to become
Steam rises at my feet
And the temps fall
I call to you ol man winter
Be soft as you pass this way
This body can feel your prescence
Grey rain pouring down
My shoulders wet
I get so lost
My mind sleepy
I'm begging you
leave this place
There's the doorway
Call in spring to follow you
I am complete
copyright ><"> 2010
A Year well Earned
With the life changing event of Ol Man winter creeping up behind me, I'm found with a situation.. What we call a crazy week! It seems as though life's worst and best events combined seem to come in three~s.
I was just Nominated for President of my local union
I witnessed a robbery this morning
I was called on to be a juror
All within a very short amount of time
Not to mention I just got my Internet connect back...etc etc etc
OK...running in 3's is a f@ckin joke
Such is life on this big blue marble or should I say Galactic rollercoaster of mayhem?
I was just Nominated for President of my local union
I witnessed a robbery this morning
I was called on to be a juror
All within a very short amount of time
Not to mention I just got my Internet connect back...etc etc etc
OK...running in 3's is a f@ckin joke
Such is life on this big blue marble or should I say Galactic rollercoaster of mayhem?
I've fallin and I can get up
Summer is about to give us the long kiss's hot embrace letting go
Watching squirrels scurry about...lodging their meal for days covered in white powder
soon the geese will fly south...escaping ol man winter's embrace
trees show their final glory before they strip down
not yet time to dig my sweaters out
but i'm thinking about it
fall into fall....a close reality
in all it's majestic beauty
copyright ><"> 2010
Summer is about to give us the long kiss's hot embrace letting go
Watching squirrels scurry about...lodging their meal for days covered in white powder
soon the geese will fly south...escaping ol man winter's embrace
trees show their final glory before they strip down
not yet time to dig my sweaters out
but i'm thinking about it
fall into fall....a close reality
in all it's majestic beauty
copyright ><"> 2010
Just another day ~ in paradise was so hot today and the AC in my car is out so I drove home, dreaming of a cold shower. It's time to throw some ribs on the Barbeque and dance around the sprinkler. Smell the mesquite slowly cooking my ribs and corn on the cob sounds delish!
Perhaps I'll hope for fall..but once the chill hits..I'll be longing for these hot temps.
Perhaps I'll hope for fall..but once the chill hits..I'll be longing for these hot temps.
Memorial weekend muse
What can I say
Been one crazy day
It's not over
But I am half way
I'll turn it around
Make it profound
And not let it get away
Not just for me
It's all of us
You'll see
what can I say
This is my day
Copyright ><"> 2010
Been one crazy day
It's not over
But I am half way
I'll turn it around
Make it profound
And not let it get away
Not just for me
It's all of us
You'll see
what can I say
This is my day
Copyright ><"> 2010
Big Ugly BP and a Government asleep at the wheel
I am astounded at the level of disaster from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig nightmare and little help from our own Government. This will make Katrina look like a walk in the park and no national guard is immobilized to combat this? The Government seems to be sitting aside and watching this disaster unfold..this sickens me. Such an epic nightmare and it seems to be of very little concern of our own Government. With no real checks and balances to avert such disasters. If solid steps were in place this wouldn't have happened.
While BP plays the ~Hmm, I wonder if this will work~ game.
They did it so let them deal with it? As we watch the coastline under siege.
Get out there and save the wild life and wetlands etc...this is a major National Emergency and should be addressed as so...Forget the red tape and help immediately! BP dropped the ball...all concerned about the bottom line and not the signals that could have averted this.
Greed seems to be the big picture and Not a soul in the effected areas will reap a single dollar from this. These people in the fallout zone will lose their livelihoods, wildlife and pristine areas to an oil company seemingly ill prepared. What right do they have to do so? If you're going to put our coastline in such danger..Have a real plan that works.
Wreaking havoc upon our coastline all in the name of BP costs, profit margins and stupid errors.
We will all pay for this and the Government had better step in NOW! Help these morons at BP
"Let's try something else to stop it" When will you stop this leak? How many things will you try...will any of them actually succeed?
"This is at such a depth" Then why go that deep? More profit? And why do it with no real methods of stopping such a leak at such a depth?
blah blah blah...maybe you should have thought about real measures that work before you put our Fisheries, Habitats, Wildlife and America as a whole in harms way.
They were running out of time and spending too much money so they ignored the problems and the end result was a nightmare beyond comprehension. Drilling at such a depth is insane anyway.
I fault the oil company mostly, but I also fault our own Government doing little and watching this disaster unfold...after is a National disaster...treat it as such...yet another reason to be unable to trust our own Government which comes up short on so many levels. If companies like BP have poor standards for drilling and a weak plan for dealing with such disasters, they shouldn't be drilling and putting such areas in danger with rigs that can do so much damage to our Nation.
To say BP dropped the ball is an understatement...and we need to look at all other oil rigs sitting off our coastlines with great care.
Ill prepared money hungry error makers of BP need to face the truth..they dropped the ball and should be held accountable...along with our own Government that usually comes up way short every major National Tragedy...wake up folks!
copyright ><"> 2010
While BP plays the ~Hmm, I wonder if this will work~ game.
They did it so let them deal with it? As we watch the coastline under siege.
Get out there and save the wild life and wetlands etc...this is a major National Emergency and should be addressed as so...Forget the red tape and help immediately! BP dropped the ball...all concerned about the bottom line and not the signals that could have averted this.
Greed seems to be the big picture and Not a soul in the effected areas will reap a single dollar from this. These people in the fallout zone will lose their livelihoods, wildlife and pristine areas to an oil company seemingly ill prepared. What right do they have to do so? If you're going to put our coastline in such danger..Have a real plan that works.
Wreaking havoc upon our coastline all in the name of BP costs, profit margins and stupid errors.
We will all pay for this and the Government had better step in NOW! Help these morons at BP
"Let's try something else to stop it" When will you stop this leak? How many things will you try...will any of them actually succeed?
"This is at such a depth" Then why go that deep? More profit? And why do it with no real methods of stopping such a leak at such a depth?
blah blah blah...maybe you should have thought about real measures that work before you put our Fisheries, Habitats, Wildlife and America as a whole in harms way.
They were running out of time and spending too much money so they ignored the problems and the end result was a nightmare beyond comprehension. Drilling at such a depth is insane anyway.
I fault the oil company mostly, but I also fault our own Government doing little and watching this disaster unfold...after is a National disaster...treat it as such...yet another reason to be unable to trust our own Government which comes up short on so many levels. If companies like BP have poor standards for drilling and a weak plan for dealing with such disasters, they shouldn't be drilling and putting such areas in danger with rigs that can do so much damage to our Nation.
To say BP dropped the ball is an understatement...and we need to look at all other oil rigs sitting off our coastlines with great care.
Ill prepared money hungry error makers of BP need to face the truth..they dropped the ball and should be held accountable...along with our own Government that usually comes up way short every major National Tragedy...wake up folks!
copyright ><"> 2010
Spring has Sprung!
What a beautiful weekend it is! Sunny and warm
Drinking a cup of coffee in my back yard while watching the sun come up was especially nice.
I'm going to barbeque all tastes great on a barbeque.
I couldn't have a better weekend...I need to get my hammock out of the garage and just chill
copyright ><"> 2010
Drinking a cup of coffee in my back yard while watching the sun come up was especially nice.
I'm going to barbeque all tastes great on a barbeque.
I couldn't have a better weekend...I need to get my hammock out of the garage and just chill
copyright ><"> 2010
The Prodigal writer

It's been awhile since I've posted anything here
I've been busy and a bit less creative then I'd like to be
The weather here is wet and windy as well as cold
And now it's May hopes of a beautiful month..everything anew..the smell of barbeques cooking fabulous things permiate the air...trees get back their lush green coats and flowers awaken to rise in the morning chill.
I'm ready for this warmer weather...winter seemed to work it's way slowly through time
Goood bye ol man winter.....I won't miss you in the least
copyright ><"> 2010
I've been busy and a bit less creative then I'd like to be
The weather here is wet and windy as well as cold
And now it's May hopes of a beautiful month..everything anew..the smell of barbeques cooking fabulous things permiate the air...trees get back their lush green coats and flowers awaken to rise in the morning chill.
I'm ready for this warmer weather...winter seemed to work it's way slowly through time
Goood bye ol man winter.....I won't miss you in the least
copyright ><"> 2010
A Horse of course

Beautiful Steed
With my love indeed
Barely touching the ground
Those profound
Running home
To me
As if god painted a picture and it was a horse of course
The song of love for such beautiful things
Oh my hearts sings
Their love is so profound
Touching my heart
without a sound
He knows Me and I know him
I look into that majestic unbelievable stare
I just fall in love again
With the wind in his ears
Heaven said it's the best of years and there's a place for him
Ride high
Love the same
*hands him an apple and a hug*
Truly god's gift
Their love has always been enough for me
Take me home oh beautiful steed
Grasp the love an animal can give you
let that ripple outward
copyright ><"> 2010
With my love indeed
Barely touching the ground
Those profound
Running home
To me
As if god painted a picture and it was a horse of course
The song of love for such beautiful things
Oh my hearts sings
Their love is so profound
Touching my heart
without a sound
He knows Me and I know him
I look into that majestic unbelievable stare
I just fall in love again
With the wind in his ears
Heaven said it's the best of years and there's a place for him
Ride high
Love the same
*hands him an apple and a hug*
Truly god's gift
Their love has always been enough for me
Take me home oh beautiful steed
Grasp the love an animal can give you
let that ripple outward
copyright ><"> 2010
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