
Alaska..my pristine second home

Spent 3 years up there...fishing the Bering Sea and exploring it's wilds

Alaska is truly a state of wild mind....a call of the wild so to speak...you feel as though nature is the most important force..not the concrete jungle. Making oneself roam the vast forests in search of what have you..it really doesn't matter, even a bad day out there..rules!
Dusty ol lumberjacks still walk around with sidearms and wrinkled flannels..fish abound to be snared by a crafty hook..
Animals more numerous then what the lower 48 can possibly offer..run about for you to find.

"Touch the finger of mother nature and you may want to hold her hand"

That awesome place....Alaska...has that feeling.
A way of life..not just a location...more of a place to truly feel alive

copyright ><"> 2009


Describe a time you were scared.

Was the danger real or imagined? Explain how you dealt with it.

Got caught in the bite more then once while fishing for crab on the Bering Sea...in the bite mean that the rope connected to sinking pot has somehow grabbed you and is going to take you overboard. Only quick reflexes and thinking will save you.

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