Fall fast approaches...
kids getting ready for school while their parents rush to buy school supplies.
Work begins preparing for a holiday schedule (do 5 days work in 4 days).
Labor day seems to always signify the end of summer, that and an end of August Birthday.
"I wonder where I stashed the warm clothes and blankets?"
Time for hot chocolate on stormy nights..snuggled in to a comfy spot...buttery popcorn and a good scare movie in hand. lightning flashes with furious anger.. lighting up the darkened room while the thunder boomers make my dogs jumpy.
Squirrels scurrying about...hiding their meals for a later date. Leaves letting go of their hold and spiraling downward..to be raked and forgotten. Birds ruffling feathers anticipating the long flight ahead while foggy car windows stall me from getting to work.
Soon it will be fall -> back, daylight savings time...struggling to wake up in a dark room followed by dark commutes to work where I regret not being able to catch a few more winks.
It almost gives me a sleepful sense and the need to huddle closer..Stay inside...read a good book..just relax by the fire
This summer was busy, hot and eventful..I'll put it away for a later memory.
Time to go get some new windshield wiper blades...fall is a wet one around here *shudder*
Ahh look at the bright side...spooning with your mate is far more doable!
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