
If you could be a winged animal, which type would you be?


An Albatross..so far out in the ocean.. Soaring on the Sea breezes

A Balmy 26F

The frigid temps have loosened their grasp on the Pacific Northwest finally..Temps in the low teens for the last few weeks *Shudder*
Now the temps are up to 26F and it feels rather warm..should be in the 30s by tomorrow but snow is in the forecast. 2-4 inches. But that's nothing compared to the massive storm that hit The Eastern US.

I know winter has just arrived on the first of January but it feels to me like I'm well over the winter hump and cruising quickly to spring. The cool temps start so early here.

I need to go out and get my snow shovel out of the garage and find my snow boots...my car is winterized and ready to go.

Funny thing...every year I've made a snow angel and a snow man...perhaps I never totally let go of a few of those boyhood joys

This year on January 1st I'll take the polar bear plunge at a local lake...shock myself into the New Year...Not one person that knows me is surprised that I'm jumping into a frigid lake on January first..they've seen all the other fun and crazy stuff I've done through the years..

So Come on 2010!!! I'm ready for you!

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I'm Alive

Am I to slowly crawl unnoticed or am I to stand up and say "hey..I'm alive..more than everyone knows...til the day I close my eyes forever...imagining a better place for you and I under the heaven's glitter..What would you say?

Will it go away?

I'll suppose that everyone supposed

paradise is merely perception

A choice givin gift

other than the sorrow life bequeths us

joy is just a thought away

swallowing those dark thoughts

smiling for the tomorrow

tis the season


Cold fridgid temps keep me bundled

Well...it's stayed below freezing over the last few weeks...temps at night of 2F.

The cold December winds have chilled me to the bone.

Warm soup and a nice big cup of tea under a warm blanket seem priceless.

Come on Spring! I want to burst out of this igloo into the green lush season of anew.

Winter is already old and it isn't even here yet.

Dec. 21st?...It actually starts once I freeze my ass off

I like a small part of winter..not much

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I need you...life

Staring out into the dawn...feelin good and hiding the pain..thinking of somewhere I became..looking forward seems to be longer but a positive path..I'm not sure why..I'll give it another try..this life and it's seemingly to's and fro's..I can and will squeeze out a smile thru rain and the darkest days..my heart in a comfortable ease..knowing all the things that are beautiful brighten that seemingly longer mile...Give it a try I will..with a joy and optimism in tomorrow..it's all I really have in that sense. I'll go home now...to the place I belong..without much regret...just a few wishes and an addiction....life.

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It's all good!

There was something..in that day..like the leaves..I fell..a cold chill jumped up and bit me in the ass..fuck..that's right...Ol man winter is coming back to make my already spent existance that much more interesting. Take the time..eh...like an elevator..up down. I'd better buckle up and adjust. This will be a ride on my body and my mind. It get's cold up here in the Pacific Northwest and if I'm lookin for sympathy it's between shit and syphillis in the dictionary..right? No brief respite at either of my jobs...but I'll damn sure smile because life is way too friggen short to live it negatively.

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Alaska..my pristine second home

Spent 3 years up there...fishing the Bering Sea and exploring it's wilds

Alaska is truly a state of wild mind....a call of the wild so to speak...you feel as though nature is the most important force..not the concrete jungle. Making oneself roam the vast forests in search of what have you..it really doesn't matter, even a bad day out there..rules!
Dusty ol lumberjacks still walk around with sidearms and wrinkled flannels..fish abound to be snared by a crafty hook..
Animals more numerous then what the lower 48 can possibly offer..run about for you to find.

"Touch the finger of mother nature and you may want to hold her hand"

That awesome place....Alaska...has that feeling.
A way of life..not just a location...more of a place to truly feel alive

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Describe a time you were scared.

Was the danger real or imagined? Explain how you dealt with it.

Got caught in the bite more then once while fishing for crab on the Bering Sea...in the bite mean that the rope connected to sinking pot has somehow grabbed you and is going to take you overboard. Only quick reflexes and thinking will save you.


The angel on your left shoulder and the demon on your right are duking it out. What are they fighting over?

demons vs angels

The Angel would say ~ "It's far more important to define your character by refining your conscience"

And the Demon would reply ~ "But it's far more fun to give in to temptation..since impurity has it's rewards"

Who wins? Neither...it's a stale mate most of the time



Fall Muse

Well...here it is

Fall in the Pacific Northwest..the temps are dropping at night but staying up in the 80s and 90sF during the day. My flowers will soon be gone and the garden will sit dormant. The beauty of the forest becomes captivating...sending me out on long weekend drives to breathe it all in.

Time to get my warmer clothes out. I've been in shorts n shirt mode for several months. My pants just don't seem comfortable after that. It will take me a few days to get used to it. I need to go out and buy a new winter jacket and perhaps some more winter shirts and sweaters. It get's pretty damn cold up here.

hot soup-hot chocolate-hot apple cider-hot tea ect...will sound pretty good in a few weeks. I'll be cooking much more in my kitchen vs. out on the barbeque. In the summer...getting my kitchen hot sounds much worse than grilling something. I barbeque at least 3 or 4 times a week in the summer...eating cooler meals for the most part when I do cook in the kitchen.

It was a pretty good summer...I hope it's a mild winter..last year was a nightmare

I think I'm going to enjoy this nice evening and barbeque yet again...nice to sit out in the backyard..smelling mesquite smoke and playing with my dogs

So...enjoy your fall...breathe in it's color & beauty

I know I will

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What's your favorite view?

The view is beautiful from West Glacier

The scenery will take your breath away...the wilderness in it's finest form..One must search for all things beautiful..damn good way to spend a lifetime


Will we find life out there in the vast cosmos?

What's wrong with assuming a living Universe?
Where other life forms inhabit their planet?..Extremophiles have been found in the hottest..darkest and deepest parts of this big blue marble..and intraterrestrials have been found deep in the crust of our planet, wasn't too long ago we assumed life didn't exist in the extreme places here on Earth, but it does. Microorganisms are indeed a hearty bunch.

We are merely very young students to the truths that lie out in the cosmos..I honestly cannot convince myself that we are the only ONES in the cosmos..I believe that in the next 20 years...We will find many Earth like planets orbiting in the safe zone from stars and maybe even a spectral imprint of life...and the realm of possibility will expand. Also they have found Carbon Dioxide elsewhere a main selling point to the possibilty of life on other planets.
Perhaps life is floating around on asteroids to be deposited on some distant planet and that could be how it all started here...we just don't know.

I think we will find water and in that water we will find life..entirely possible in my lifetime. And if/when we do find life out there..how can we assume that there isn't even far more intelligent life than just microorganisms etc.?
I'll cross my fingers and hope we do indeed find proof of life elsewhere..It seems naive to assume that we are the only ones in this vast cosmos.

May we search for it...out amongst the stars

in saecula saeculorum
copyright ><"> 2009


In bed with Mother Nature

You can think of things to stir your imagination or you can grab a tent and get up in the woods..time on your own or with a friend...touching mother natures hand.. a night of lightning strikes to fill up the tent..the wind knocking the shelter about with furious anger..the thunder rolls over a distant canyon in a chorus.. "I am truly living...one with nature on this cold dark night"...A taste of primitive man or a road to my soul...doesn't really matter...every long lost memory of such places are still right here...locked within my heart and memory. What a nice thought...the bed where you lie is the captivating wilderness...*sigh*
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Hot summer nights go cold

Fall fast approaches...

kids getting ready for school while their parents rush to buy school supplies.

Work begins preparing for a holiday schedule (do 5 days work in 4 days).

Labor day seems to always signify the end of summer, that and an end of August Birthday.

"I wonder where I stashed the warm clothes and blankets?"

Time for hot chocolate on stormy nights..snuggled in to a comfy spot...buttery popcorn and a good scare movie in hand. lightning flashes with furious anger.. lighting up the darkened room while the thunder boomers make my dogs jumpy.

Squirrels scurrying about...hiding their meals for a later date. Leaves letting go of their hold and spiraling downward..to be raked and forgotten. Birds ruffling feathers anticipating the long flight ahead while foggy car windows stall me from getting to work.

Soon it will be fall -> back, daylight savings time...struggling to wake up in a dark room followed by dark commutes to work where I regret not being able to catch a few more winks.
It almost gives me a sleepful sense and the need to huddle closer..Stay inside...read a good book..just relax by the fire

This summer was busy, hot and eventful..I'll put it away for a later memory.

Time to go get some new windshield wiper blades...fall is a wet one around here *shudder*

Ahh look at the bright side...spooning with your mate is far more doable!

copyright ><"> 2009

Shock claim 2009 ArenaCup, 74-27


Spokane Shock beats Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Pioneers in the 2009 Arena Cup!

What a fantastic season for the team and us fans! It took me awhile to get into Arena football..Went to some games...watched them on T.V. and grew fond of the game

Thanks Shock for winning the title! It's far better than what many WA. Teams achieve...especially pro


My first plane trip, from Seattle, WA. to Spokane, WA.

I loved the takeoff..it was a short 45 minute hop but very enjoyable..I spent all my time gazing out the window in wonder


If it wasn't for good luck/bad luck...I'd have no luck at all

It's been awhile since I put anything in here...been busy

But now that's about to change...I get a week of paid vacation all next week! WOOOOOT

At the second bell..when it was time to leave today..I put out one loud yell...woooohoooo! Had to make sure even the people in the office heard it..lol

I was like a flash of light..there and gone

At the time clock I told everyone that I did my year in prison and now I get paroled for a week!...lol

Anyhoo...a crazy set of events transpired over the last few weeks leading up to today and my big week off. My nice Kia Sportage was totalled...a few days later I ended up with a Toyota Scion XB...(I call it the X-Box)you know~one of those rollin boxes...lol.... They gave me an offer I couldn't refuse! I love it! What an awesome rig...although replacing the micro chipped key for $80 is kind of over the top.

Last Friday I went to bed early because I wanted to leave for Seattle at 1 A.M.....arriving in Seattle at sun up...I have my car loaded and I'm getting ready to back up..I hit the headlights and see up the driveway that half MY tree fell down on my neighbors house and fence..WTF?
There goes my trip to Seattle. Then a few days ago my plumbing goes down the pipes so to speak...I got bit by a spider yesterday at work and today I cut a gouge into my leg at work.
And two root canals in the last week as well.
OK....I'm done already..who or what is testing me had better frickin stop...lol

There's been some good luck as well and I always look for the positive in most everything...trials & tribulations...an essential part of life

I've got a week off and I'm enjoying it...period!

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Internet friends past & present

You know...it's kind of funny how close one can get to another person via real time on the web...you may not ever even meet in person...but build a friendship and bond and sometimes even love for someone. I've been online for several years now and have come to know so many. I have also lost many for various reasons and that's when it hits home. Lost several due to the fact that they passed away and that effected me profoundly..Others..we just grew apart through time.

Some I still keep in touch with and am very fond of them. Perhaps I will always stay in touch with them and even meet some on down the road..hopefully so

Just recently I had left a forum that I had been going to for many many years...got to know many people and make many friends..but there was also some forms of negativity there and mean spirited people which I disliked..as a good friend of mine had suggested..it could have something to do with the current sad state of affairs in our beloved Country, the USA. People not posting much...having little to say or just plain busy..so many possibilities.

I think I just burned out on it...perhaps just for a little while..one thing is for sure though..my feelings for the people that I left behind will never falter and I will miss them dearly...perhaps going back to see them one day.

Anyone whom wants to stay in touch can do so easily anyway

Funny thing..these Internet friendships

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What three songs must be played at a wedding?

White Wedding by Billy Idol

just a great wedding song

Super freak by Rick James

she's such a kinky girllllll

Highway to hell by AC DC

never know how it's going to go..be prepared..lol


Wild & Fun Memorial Day Weekend and one bad hair day

I wanted to have one great 3 day weekend so I started early..on Thursday, I went out to Mexican food then went to see Shun Yen dancers, which was interesting and worth seeing.

Friday I went to the Casino and won $280.00..I rarely gamble and never go with more than $50..play the slots (pennies)

Bad Hair day is a great metaphor for the next 24 hours:
Saturday..I got up and went for a long bike ride on the Centennial trail..that was a blast! Had lunch in a nice place close to the river..all the trees are in bloom and the wildflowers were all about. Later that afternoon I went to a tailgate party for our local AF2 football team..drank some beers and threw a football around etc. When we arrived in the parking lot and removed the chairs and cooler...my friend had hit the electronic door lock switch and also had left his keys on the seat..my door was still open so I grabbed some pretzels then closed the door..uh ohhhh..car locked!

So he called AAA and they had a locksmith right out to open his rig. So if that wasn't bad enough...he put out chairs with side trays and didn't lock them..when I went to put our food on them, they collapsed..spilling everything on the ground...partial my fault as well for not checking them..

We get inside and I almost go over the upper rail when someone accidentally tripped me..I had to clear the 4 rows of seats otherwise I would have been really hurt..I landed right in front of a 4 foot wall with a rail and went half way over it..spilling the full beer in my hand on the heads of about 10 people below..Security came and asked me what happened....it was all good.

So what a night that was .. Made it home safely

Sunday I went on another long bike ride..went out to dinner...rented some movies and made popcorn

Monday I lounged around the house..worked on the garden..mowed the lawn and watered it...then had an awesome barbecue of marinated pork ribs smoked in apple-wood..potato salad and smoked beans...yummmm

so that was my holiday..rather enjoyable wouldn't you say? and let's not forget unusual

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What movie can you watch over and over again?

My Preciousssssssssss...popcorn

Lord of the Rings deserves to be watch over and over through the years

All around good movie to snuggle up and munch some popcorn etc...


Martha will love my Barbequed food

Martha Stewart is coming over for dinner tonight. What do you serve to impress her?

My barbequed food

Steaks..sausages...and so on...I'm sure she would enjoy any of my barbeque


My heart and my music

Connotations of love in music...waxing poetic..a muse of the heart..a flick of a string..where a melody speaks as if it is the heart...if it could speak it would be singing..it feels right..the first time you hear a song that moves you..takes your breath away..like being in love for the first...it's what makes us breathe irregularly and captures us...listening to that riff...a reason we all search for..a feeling so untouched. No matter the genre, no matter the time...no bad connotation belongs in music..for all it does and gives us

Never let that die in your heart

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Blue Mondays

Today Seem to be a particular bitch of a Monday..I so did not want to get out of bed this morning. The alarm went off and all I wanted to do is stay there..snuggled in my blanket..sleeping perhaps a few more hours. but I knew I had to get up for yet another daily grind..make a living and pay the bills etc...I had such a relaxing weekend which was far too short. I woke up this morning and went out and fought that bear called society..mad it through unscathed and tired...and feeling optimistic

After Monday passes..I feel somewhat relieved. The worst part is over..Then comes hump day and once that is over with I feel the weekend is right around the corner...

Next week repeat...and so on

tis a life..a good one for the most part

it's just some days I don't want to go out into the concrete jungle and bust my ass to earn a buck...the alternative isn't even an option.

on Monday morning I am dedicated to the proposition that life will only be good if I rise up out of the covers and do what I've always done..live


Good person or?

Am I a good person?....perhaps..but who knows what evil lies within the hearts of many...we all have skeletons in our closet...just another memory..where perhaps the shame is gone of something I did in which I regret...but I'm still a good person I hope, but after all a person is really only as good as their heart and word, everything else is just the outer dressing...

The walls might move in closer and time may lead me to the end of another day...I controlled little of it...it swept by so fast...hopefully my heart can glow like a candle....show the light for others to follow...control of anything seems kind of redundant though...I'll work at it...be a good person as far as I can tell and be good to others and wish them well...no need to tell me who you are or who I am...we'll both figure that out...no need to put a spell on anyone...lives are books to be read and so are people to some extent...it takes awhile to read any epic novel.
I'll wish everyone well in the mean time
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What my shoes say about me

If the shoes make the man (or woman), what do your shoes say about you right now?

I wear very light shoes...I'm a martial artist and like to wear shoes that don't inhibit my ability to kick if need be.


Validation of a wayward life searching for answers..A skeptic and optimistic dogma that surrounds my awakening mind's eye...my perception of myself..the epiphany that validation is a feeling, perhaps a high above realization that all your hard work in life is not just another day...not shame or reward....just believing then letting it go...destiny and shadows and an occasional smile for just another day which I made it through...a memory and a melody played out real time...let it go paddle upstream..fight for another day..achieve what you can, then let it go It's really just another day and another thing...validation

I believe

Meanwhile validate my parking will ya?

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A warm Mother's day

It was a nice sunny day today...nice and warm..I got outside and mowed my lawn, trimmed some foilage and rode my mountain bike around the neighborhood for an hour or so...nice to have my door open. I just let my dogs run in and out all day when they wanted to..they love that..now they are sleeping...tired and content.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers! Thank you for being there through all the highs and lows and such! You've made our lives so enriched and deserve all the best! ;)

Which movie's characters would you befriend in real life?

I'd fit in well with the last Emperor

He was the Lord of Ten Thousand Years, the absolute monarch of China. He was born to rule a world of ancient tradition. Nothing prepared him for our world of change. I would love to spend days talking with him about how he percieves everything. I teach Martial Arts and love Chinese philosophy etc...find it very interesting.


I find Too many tattoos offensive

Too many tattoos
I have a few tats but I think a ton of them on someones body looks bad

Too many piercings
Ya look like a friggen pin~cushion

Drunk & Obnoxious
Can't stand an obnoxious drunk...I don't think many can

Gaseous dogs
Self explanatory

Tone deaf Karoake singers
Got that buzz on,,,can't sing a lick..and makes me feel as if fingers are being scratched across a dry chalkboard....I'll give em an A for effort though.

F-Bombs flying about
I'm not against swearing, just don't like the prolific profanity (every other word)

Too tight clothes
Make that stuff look like it's ready to burst at the seams..pop in fresh muffin top look..ackkk



2010..A real space odyssey

How close are we to the movie 2010 space odyssey?

lesson no.1: Clarke, "History Lesson"

Evolution of our species on a world just made habitable. Will it be the moon? Or Mars..maybe the small Phoenician noblewoman-Europa discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610... the 6th moon of Jupiter? Will we colonize such places for the betterment of humankind? Before something really bad almost happens as in 2010 a Space Odyssey? Becoming evolutionary energy-based life-forms in the distant future? All these things such as planets and evolving far away but still within touch.

AD 20,001. By this time, the Europans have evolved into a species that has developed a primitive civilization, most likely with assistance from a monolith. They are not described in detail, though they are said to have "tendril"-like limbs. They regard the star Lucifer (formerly the planet Jupiter) as their primary Sun, referring to Sol as "The Cold Sun". Though their settlements are concentrated primarily in the hemisphere of Europa which is constantly bathed in Lucifer's rays, some Europans have begun in recent generations to explore the Farside, the hemisphere facing away from Lucifer, which is still covered in ice. There they may witness the spectacle of night, unknown on the other side of Europa, when the Cold Sun sets.


I doubt Jupiter will become what the above suggests in that ...but it still brings up the questions of peace on Earth and the continuance of humankind elsewhere about this vast cosmos. Perhaps humankind may perish by it's own hand..but hopefully we have moved on to other worlds..looking back on a petty hate filled ridiculous past..that at least got us to where we are.

We are much further in technology than our Government wants to admit...not quite to the timeline of Hollywood Sci Fi movies. but we are well on the road...where wars are fought over water content of a planet or who got there first..one thing will always remain..even in other worlds..war...with peace sporadic...only a wish for the future, Eternal peace.

I hope We at least still look good in the distant future..not..tendril flailing..one eyed...PC addicts!

Will we make contact with something? Divine or Alien? Let's hope so!

Do we have a Hal locked up somewhere? Good chance of it!

Space Odyssey- 2010


2010 - Peter Hyams - The Birth Scene


One thing is for sure..is that we as the Humankind..shall see the message of peace once and for all...regardless of a divine message. And that we carry out..out there..where you gaze at night by the campfire...let's go..are you ready?

This time..this place..this day...I hope we resolve to do this!

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When the rescue ship comes, I'll tell 'em: Take me home

You're stuck on an island with plenty of food, a companion, and a relatively stress-free lifestyle. What do you say when the rescue ship comes?

Tough decision time:

1.) Take me home

2.) Come back in a year

3.) I'm fine, thanks

I would stil miss my family, would have to see them and would want them to know I am OK, something about the concrete jungle that would attract me back


My new dog Boomer

I got a new dog! I thought hard about getting a new one so soon but it was the right thing to do..lift my girl Taya's spirit etc...He's a brindle Great Dane cross...about a year old and very well mannered...knows some tricks and minds very well. He's a delight to have around and loves to play, Very smart as well...He came from an abused home and has a worn mark around his neck from a chain. I will never chain any of my dogs up. I found him on Craigslist and rescued him. He had gas when I first got him so I thought the name Boomer was a good one...lol

He will spend his entire life with me...spoiled to the core and loved deeply.

I had some time off so it was the perfect time to rescue a dog...he is a big dog and eats like a pig but I don't care.

I'm glad to have him


I'm just a dreamer

It would be nice if we could live as one race..the human race and nobody died for such foolish reasons as bigotry

Almost all wars are fought because of bigotry..hatred for others..whether it be because they are on the other side of the fence or because of their religion or what have you. Petty in differences leading to bloodshed.

Why must this be? Are most Nations ignorant? Why is hatred so prevalent throughout this planet? I just don't get it...we all watch the sun rise and fall...have our own trials and tribulations..pain and sorrow..and none are really better than the other because of religion or race or place. Just look up at the heavens and think about how really insignificant most of this is compared to the big picture.

We must evolve..this human race and realize that all this bigotry must stop. I wonder if all the great leaders of this world went into space and looked back on this blue marble in space and came to an epiphany..Of how small this planet is...that there really aren't any borders and that we are all in this together. Perhaps for the good of all humankind someday. Maybe it will happen when we colonize space and leave this bigotry behind...the hatemongers shall remain to blow themselves up or whatever.

You may worship as a Christian or a Muslim or or...it really doesn't matter to me..without living as one ..no peace can be done

What if everyone really cared?

Come on, swallow your pride and stand by my side! Let's share our lives together on this lonely planet!

Amen to that!
Yes...I'm just a dreamer dreaming of better days

Are you?
copyright ><"> 2009


Old Man winter stopped by

Will winter ever say goodbye?

Here it is April 21st 2009 and I woke up to 4 inches of snow on the ground...That woke me up! But it is common up here in the North. Just don't like to see it...Melts very quickly though and the temps are rising quickly...It's supposed to be in the mid 70s next week! WOOOOOOOOT!
Now that's what I'm talking about!

Come on Summer!
Now that I'm getting older, I notice how cold weather effects my body and joints...I get achy at times when a cold front blows in...Oh well


Animal face-off! Who would win in a fight between a gorilla and a pack of hyenas?

My money's on the pack of hyenas

It's basically a trick question...how many hyenas? A Gorilla could beat the hell out of quite a few hyenas, but power is in the numbers...I doubt even a pack would mess with a gorilla...They are as tough as they come and would put up one hell of a fight!

Now if it was King Kong...no contest! lol

List your rules for maintaining a healthy relationship

Be fairly unconditional
So many faults you may find in your mate...most can be overlooked...after all we are all human and make mistakes etc

Say I love you
Say I love you all of the time..especially before you go to sleep or leave. If something happened to your love one while they were gone you would regret not saying I love you to them first

Never go to bed mad
Make up A.S.A.P. Before you go to bed..it's key to a healthy relationship

Never stay mad at your loved one
Never hold in anger or anything like that about your better half...it's not healthy for you or the realtionship

Lots and lots of sex!
Keep that labido goin and the love making going regularly...too many positives to list!

Keep a promise
Never break a promise! Ever! It's the trump card!

Be Honest! Honesty is the best policy

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